2024 Eltham Art Show

Words by Brenda Ibels, Eltham Art Show Convenor

Work by

3D Fine Art Exhibition

16 – 18 August at Eltham Community & Reception Centre
Gala Opening 15 August

The original development of the Eltham Art Show was to recognise the Art Heritage of the Nillumbik Shire. Its inaugural show in 2022 and 2023 was to highlight 2 dimensional works which developed from the early painters from the Nillumbik district.

2D Art Shows – Paintings are held annually by over 30 Rotary Clubs throughout Victoria.
The Rotary Club of Eltham’s decision to focus solely on 3 Dimensional works for 2024 was based on recognising the creative arts of Ceramics, Sculpture, Glass, Woodwork and Jewellery. Also to
acknowledge that 3D is part of our basic fundamentals of everyday life. Every article we deal with on a daily basis is 3D. Shape, form, size, height, width, we can touch it, smell it, look at it, and we can’t live without it. It doesn’t require a wall to hang on. It has a place in our lives, our gardens, offices, special rooms, hallways so many places.

Eileen Gordon – Spiky Seed Pod

The invitation to Victoria artists was extended to complement our Nillumbik Artists. In doing so we attracted notable artists Gordon Glass Studio at Red Hill, James McMurtrie, Valley Potters,
Association of Victorian Sculptors to name a few as well as our own Claydreamers, Red Door Studio, Wayne Rankin, Grub Pottery, Trend Sculpture, Pittard Studios, Natural Inspirations plus many more.

Grant Donaldson- Ribbon Bottles

The quality of the submissions have exceeded our expectations.

Dimensions so rich with artistry, imagination and ability. It extends our own appreciation of what we encompass and use.

Our generous sponsors enable us to offer lucrative prizes plus an encouragement award to an
emerging student.

Proceeds from the sale of the Exhibition are distributed in accordance with the Rotary community support guidelines.

We thank you for taking the time to view the show. Should you require any further information
please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]